February 03, 2011

Bitter Sweet

I just came from the city council public hearing at which the partial ban on panhandling was shot down. I would have thought I would have been excited but I feel very sad. I am sad because after 100 people that showed up to say their two cents worth, the council looked at each other and picked right back up where they had left off. Partial ban or full?  By the way only two of the hundred who spoke said they were in support of this ban. The council Charmian Thomas Scott said that there were only two options, a partial or full ban. The option of just not legislating at this time wasn’t even on the table. Of course that was the outcome because it was shot down but the discouraging part was that all five of the councilmen that voted no, did so because they actually want a full ban. The only two people up there who voted with their consciences were Scott and Mulhern, both of whom voted yes trying to compromise. I disagree that a compromise is a permissible outcome and keep thinking to myself that the best our city council has is these compromisers. Scott said at one point that if he could just single out panhandlers and ban them he would but that he cant because his hands are tied (by the constitution by the way). It was one of those moments where you get really patriotic and thank God for a document that prohibits these fools from just doing whatever they want. Where are the leaders who can listen to their city AND make right decisions? Who can be lead by their constituents as well as moral authority and ethical convictions? I am so disappointed in our city council right now and pray that the upcoming elections would yield more people who actually are leaders that live out their convictions.
One last thought for Council Chairman Rev. Thomas Scott, there is this verse in Matthew that keeps ringing in my head. This is the only time Jesus ever described what judgement would look like and he said ‘I was hungry and you didn’t feed me, I was thirsty and you did not give me something to drink, I was naked and you did not clothe me’ and in this same spirit I can hear him saying now ‘I was in need and asking for help and you compromised and legislated me out of the public eye, depart from me for I never knew you’
Matthew 25

1 comment:

  1. I have to say, that I was not that aware of this issue before hearing a bit about it on the radio, and talking to you about it. I appreciate you raising my awareness on this. It's something that's been on my mind ever since. I'll do my part.
