August 25, 2011

The endless summer finally comes to an end

It has been an intense summer, filled with projects and plans. Here is a recap of all of our project related accomplishments over the summer:
  1. Painted roof white (which really helped to bring down the temperature within the house)
  2. Got the aquaponics system back up and running (no tilapia, but we have plenty of apple snails)
  3. We built the solar hot-water heater.
  4. We built the trellis system on west side of house to block out the evening sun (now we are waiting on the plants to grow)
  5. Finished setting up the mosquito netting on all the windows and doors
  6. Mortared up the bricks in the St. Francis garden.
  7. Topped off the gardens with fresh mulch and compost for the winter season
  8. Installed a ridge vent in the attic
  9. Cleaned out and organized shed
  10. Built a better chicken run area
  11. Moved the dryer outside
  12. Finished installing the dual flush toilets
  13. Bought a new energy and water efficient washer machine
  14. Installed the crazily efficient dish drying rack
  15. Installed a better lighting system in the kitchen

I am also amazed by how much we haven't done. I am impressed by our collective will to sacrifice things.

We haven't:

Used A/C (except for during homechurch and during a visit from a close friend)
Used the dryer, ever since it was moved to the front porch (maybe 2-3 months)
Used hot water...that was until the solar hot water heater was finally built.

It has been wonderful.

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